OXYgeN - The most abundant element on Earth's surface
Symbol: O
Atomic #: 8
Mass #: 15.9994
# of protons in an oxygen atom: 8
# of Neutrons in an oxygen atom: 8
# of electrons in an oxygen atom: 8
Charge of an oxygen ion: -2
Physical Properties: Oxygen gas is colourless, odourless, and tasteless. The liquid and solid forms are a pale blue color and are strongly paramagnetic. It's crystal structure is cubic.
Chemical Properties: Oxygen supports combustion, combines with most elements creating oxides, and is a component of hundreds of thousands of organic compounds. Ozone (O3), a highly active compound is formed by the action of an electrical discharge or ultraviolet light on oxygen.
Melting Point: 50.5K -222.65°C -368.77°F
Boiling Point: 90.33K -182.82°C -297.08°F
The following video explains about ozone, oxygen's reactivity, and its paramagnetism.
Atomic #: 8
Mass #: 15.9994
# of protons in an oxygen atom: 8
# of Neutrons in an oxygen atom: 8
# of electrons in an oxygen atom: 8
Charge of an oxygen ion: -2
Physical Properties: Oxygen gas is colourless, odourless, and tasteless. The liquid and solid forms are a pale blue color and are strongly paramagnetic. It's crystal structure is cubic.
Chemical Properties: Oxygen supports combustion, combines with most elements creating oxides, and is a component of hundreds of thousands of organic compounds. Ozone (O3), a highly active compound is formed by the action of an electrical discharge or ultraviolet light on oxygen.
Melting Point: 50.5K -222.65°C -368.77°F
Boiling Point: 90.33K -182.82°C -297.08°F
The following video explains about ozone, oxygen's reactivity, and its paramagnetism.
Word Origin: "Oxygen" comes from the Greek words "oxys" (acid) and "genes" (former) and means "acid former".